December 27, 2004

Cold and confused

Atop my bed are blankets piled so high that when I pull them back and set my feet on them, the blood rushes to my head. That's how much I hate the cold. I dearly look forward to Hawaii. 6 days and counting. And so much to do between now and then. I really don't entirely know why I feel so important when my schedule is full. Really I think the important people are the ones who don't HAVE to do anything. I'm not complaining though, as I still have had time for friends. I've seen a number, and there's been wonderful phone calls with more.


I saw National Treasure tonight, with my dad. It was entirely entertaining, yet vapid. The most profound thought I garnered was when Ben Gates kisses Dr. Chase in the crypt. He pauses as they explore the crypt, pulls Dr. Chase to him, kisses her and continues on his way. I thought, oh so profoundly, "I think I'll do that someday." What I meant was that I want to have a romantic sidekick along on my adventures. Now, the thought occurs that I really don't. See, Ben and the doc got married. That means they live together. That means their lives are so intertwined that if he wants to go to Boston, he has to tell her. I don't want to have to tell anyone before I go to Boston. I don't want to have to ask anyone if my plans are going to ruin theirs. So I'll sacrifice the kissing and the committed companionship so that I can have the independence. It'd be romantic to have the girl along for the ride, but then it'd be epic to have only friends. National Treasure is romantic; Beowulf is epic.

Oh, and to illustrate the conflicted mass of cells in my mind: I don't want to have to tell anyone before I go to Boston, but I desperately want someone to call when they notice I'm gone.


  1. I am Josh. Friend of Sharon. The font is optional for you to give but I design in my spare time and have been looking for a good cursive font.

    My opinion, albeit based loosely on a limited knowledge and experience, is that if sermons (lets call them talks about God - whether monological or dialogical) do not connect with either the spiritual or intellectual realms of my person, then what usually happens is that the person who is doing the talking usually fades into white noise. But most of the time, I'm ok with that because their monologue which monopoloizes the conversation with the Scriptures to usually fit some individualistic, militaristic, consumer based message (usually their propaganda) probably needs to be tuned out anyway. So the alternative of not attempting to connect or resonate on either of those 2 levels raises the question of why should he/she even open his mouth? And half the people that the "preacher" actually "teaches" (and I use that word loosely) that way are the ones who are the most apathetic people when it comes to engaging social issues and the biggest jerks when it comes to being a person. And in my experience with my community, I have noticed just that. A group of people who are apathetic a-holes who claim to be Christian. And another entire group who are entirely bored and disconnected from a God who loves them all because a "preacher" has taken the liberty to open his mouth and yet say nothing. But since I am a part of a community, I can not leave. Nor criticize without being an active participant in thinking or rethinking ways to provide a solution, namely life change.

    Thank you for your comment. I don't think we're that far off . . . so can you tell me where you got that font?

  2. err. who're you? you came to tag at my board.
