September 1, 2006

New and ... well... new.

It's new. It's in beta. I need you to play with it so I can see what's wrong with it and fix it.

It's a creation of epic proportions (ie. 1 sporadic year in the making from conception to beta).

Let me know what you think. Use it for fun or out of duty to me. Send me ideas for new stories.


  1. So, I was playing around with sixminute story, and tried to write a story, but the top part didn't have a prompt on I just confused, or is it supposed to have a prompt on it?

  2. how come youre not posting anymore? are you really that busy or is there nothing to talk about? I actually made my first post in like 2 months a couple of days ago.

  3. That is an epic site Galen. I can see it coming in handy a bunch for me, only one thing, it wouldn't give me a hero/villan/goal! Meep! =]
