January 9, 2007


i think something's wrong.

i have a constant headache. my skin is ultra sensitive. my upper lip won't close, on one side. i can't close my right eye without my left closing as well, and the right eye doesn't close when i blink. the tip of my left ring finger has been numb for over 24 hours. my eyes hurt.

i don't trust doctors though. the last one tapped my lungs, prescribed me drugs and sent me home. two weeks later, i'm still coughing doc.

bad timing really. but aren't all illnesses inconvenient?


  1. There are plenty of convenient illnesses. If you get time off work for them... If you don't, you're just screwed. Hope you feel better.


  2. First of all, you've been coughing for as long as I've known you. I didn't realize you wanted to stop.

    Go back to the doctor - maybe they'll name it after you.

  3. different doctors have different levels of trustability. Your symptoms really, really don't sound normal. Please go to the doctor, less you die of a preventable illness. seriously. go.

  4. lest you die, not less you die. apologies.

  5. Thank you for correcting that Rachel. Can you imagine if I had died and my last communication with you was filled with TYPOS? I'd be rolling over in my grave for eternity. Your consideration is the only reason I survived a long night in the hospital.

  6. I too am a proponent of the not dying plan. So keep us updated on your recovery lest those of us who don't have a chance to communicate with you as often as we would like take your lack of posting as a sign of something much more serious. Prayers for swift healing are going up right now my friend.

  7. so when are you going to tell these lovely people that you are not dying but have a non life-threatening illness. I'm sure they are all in a frenzy... worrying about you... yea. Just in case you were writing a will, remember that I get your laptop ;). Just kidding. by the time you're through beating it up, I wont want it.
