May 27, 2007

Immigrant bill could break up families

Immigrants Learn of the Impact of the new bill in Congress

The new immigration bill will separate families, according the the Seattle Times article linked above. I'm growing more and more concerned about how we treat immigrants, both legal and illegal. They're people too. And generally beneficial people. More on that if I can find the article I was reading yesterday.

Any thoughts on how to convince congress AND the general US population that mistreating immigrants is just poor sport?

1 comment:

  1. mobilize the troops, here comes a long fight.

    i don't have the research yet and therefore can't back up any statement i would make so i'll just make a tiny one.

    It's a delicate balance between compassion and humanitarianism for the world's refugees and those seeking a better life while trying to preserve the security and quality of life for those who enter/work/live legally and are citizens or documented workers of the country. I don't think it can ever be as simple as saying "leave them alone, be nice - they're people too" nor can we say "kick them all out and lock the door behind them."

    I haven't really liked any potential solution i have heard yet tho this last one comes closer then anything else I have heard. It's an impossible situation and no remedy is going to be able to completely accomodate every facet of so complex an issue.
