May 9, 2007

Fictionating words


A set of sounds without definition. I like it though.

How to go about making this mis-read word mean something?

Editors of dictionaries would insist if I can get enough people to agree that a set of sounds means something, then they do.

What should "Mussine" mean? Here is the context I misread it in:

"Michael Wesch speculates that the accessibility of the internet to add and receive content is leading to a mussine paradigm shift in human thought and society."

It seemed to me to bear connotations of "novel" "ineffable" "chaotic" "capricious" "uncontrolled" "active" "self-motioned" without being able to be defined concretely.

It's as if we know there is a gigantic change occurring but can't imagine what shape this change might take.

Mussine: adj. impredictability, as in an unimaginable result of a currently occurring change.


  1. um, ya. I don't understand any of that. Sounds like college level brain waves to me. Oh, oh, wait, I get it now. I just didn't understand the Michael Wesch sentence. It's like my humanities class. BTW, i found out that it's "Humanities 100: creative and critical thinking." we do a lot about global warming and consumption growing to great for production and stuff. I don't see how that's creative thinking. whatever. I still like the class a lot. I think i'll go check to see if he sent my assignments back yet. Hope your finals are going well. I'm pretty much ready for school to be over! 6 and a half weeks left! aaa!

  2. Hey, that's real cool. I have a pet 'Black Swan' named Mussine...

    No, really...

    Oh, and I like impredictability better than unpredictability...

    Love, Nassim Nicholas Taleb

  3. I'm so glad you've posted again! I have missed you & your writings. I like your definition of mussine and shall add it to my vocabulary.

  4. i like uncontrollable.
    good convo today, but you up and left without saying bye. shame on you galen.

  5. Oh, hello everyone.

    I must know more about:

    the black swan
    global warming
    preferences towards "uncontrollable"
    and of course, LA and India
