August 22, 2005

lest history be lived again

"I have been a witness, and these pictures are

my testimony. The events I have recorded should

not be forgotten and must not be repeated."

-James Nachtwey-


  1. i too have been a witness to war and suffering, and my pictures are of loss and broken down moral trying to put up a good front. of bombed buildings and homes. of shattered dreams and futures.

    but my pictures are not found on any website there are in my heart and in my mind...they are also in the hearts and minds of every croatian that lost and suffered through the war the serbs brought about.

    this event must not be forgotten nor repested.

  2. Anonymous: The emotions, images and experiences you possess, I will never know; they are yours, alone. Thank you, though, for convincing me that no number of photos or essays will allow me to share your pain. Thank you for revealing yourself; though I am too inexperienced to sympathize (I was not beside you then), you are appreciated, for your candor, your transparency and your humanity. Blessings and Shalom -- oh I can only hope for your Shalom.
