December 2, 2005

A short list of things to do today

  1. Drive through the falling snow at warp speed.
  2. Tell the nice lady at Safeway "Merry Christmas", and feel really very merry about it afterall.
  3. Have intense discussions repeatedly. Interrogate self following aforementioned: could I have been wrong? How do I know anything? Epistemology my ...
  4. Peek through curtain. Is it still snowing?
  5. Wonder at the snow. Wonder: "What is the meaning of snow?" Enjoy homogenous landscape. For once homogeneous get a good connotation. I like when it snows and everything is soft.
  6. Find words are inadequate to describe some things, like how I feel right now.
  7. Sigh. Maybe that says it all?

Cheers. It's Christmas and we're all alive.

1 comment:

  1. Homogenous. What a word. Brings to mind a cow's udder, and all that comes out of it. Somehow, though, you have made it into a synonym for winter bliss and snow-provoked contentment. I applaude you, and admire you as well. Your writing contains thoughts, feelings, and ideals of my own mind, but I, like others, can seldom express them. this is a powerful gift you possess. I wish I could write as well as so to properly compliment you, but as it is, this will have to do. Merry Christmas; may you find fullness of Joy in this coming year.
