January 29, 2006

Say hello in case this is our last goodnight

The sillhouettes are spiders, crawling like the night
Your eyes are greenwhite, luminescent like the sea
untresspassed, sanctity
That cloud, it's a monster, it scares me with its claws
The dragon shakes the boats, and I'm falling down
The plankton are greenmilkwater, and we wander in their world
You're laughing. It's windy, and I can't stand

My lifeboat is leaving yours. Can you see a way to row?

The cold in the water, the warm of your hand,
I miss you already, Thank God we're friends.

Pandora's box fell open, but I latched it shut
I caught hope inside -- I'll keep it under my coat,
The ocean won't steal this from me.
My heart was open, but now it's closing time,
it's on the house, thanks for talking, I love you

A girl spinning in the rain, curious,
how many drops till the clouds runs out,
how many birds fly all the way around the
world -- can they keep up as it races by?
Let's catch it like a ship that's leaving late for
who knows where

I've been here before
but not with you.

Your eyes plus mine and the stars are stories,
the sweaters are softer, softer on a cloudy day
The girl is barefoot, spinning in the waves
The beach fades in fog like memories and photographs
Was anything ever clear?
The sand leads to who knows where, to the edge of
who knows where, but our lifeboats have landed -- so come on, let's go.


  1. ...
    you write with ridiculous inspiration nowadays

    your birthday is coming

  2. Sean, yep. Nostalgia for closing Pandora's box, and hope, the only thing Prometheus saved inside the box, hope for years looking out at the world with a friend along.
