March 4, 2005

Sunlight on windows.
60 degrees today.
Spring so cheery comes.
Birds call, the
flowers wake.

In my room
I close the blinds and

I don't believe in Spring.


Every year I come alive when winter succumbs to spring's seducing sun.
It's beautiful how death loses grasp in the throes of hope.
It makes me smile.

It's Spring today; for the first time in months
People are smiling, falling in love, laughing
Me... no, I'm not smiling.
I'm immune now, to Spring.
Just like Christmas.
It's not strong enough for this disease.

I need to go to the South of England
to heal
I need to go home.


  1. depressing, but incredibly beautiful:)

  2. I enjoy reading your blog and all your poetic honesty. I'm sorry I haven't emailed you back yet. When I write you back I want to really sit down and take time for it. I will try to do so soon.
